What is Stormwater?
Stormwater is rain and snow melt that could carry
pollutants into our local waterways and lakes.
Why Stormwater Matters
Stormwater can carry harmful pollutants into our storm drains where they can end up in the water we drink, swim in, boat on, and enjoy.
Soap Suds
Pet Droppings
Engine Oil & Coolants
Ice Melting Chemicals
Have you seen us?
The Bangor Area Stormwater Group (BASWG) uses public education and sound science to improve regional water quality through collaborative stormwater management in the Greater Bangor Urbanized Areas.
Learn More About BASWGNo more posts
FEB 09 Community Involvement Plan Survey
The Bangor Air National Guard Base wants to keep you informed about its involvement with the Defense Environmental Restoration Program. Completing this short survey will help them build a plan to improve communication regarding cleanup efforts and future environmental remediation projects. Learn More